
Corporate Governance

BULADDE Financial Services put in place a structure to ensure that its operations are governed by clearly defined principles of Corporate Governance to ensure good governance, transparency, full disclosure and accountability to all stake holders as stipulated in the Cooperative Societies Act Sec. 29, section 26 of the cooperative regulations and the SACCO bylaws.

The structure includes;

  1. The Board Committee as the principle leadership /governance organ of the cooperative that directs its affairs on behalf of its general membership. The Board Committee is comprised of the following;
1. Omuk. Kitenda John Chairman
2. Omuk. Dr. Eve Kasirye Alemu Vice Chairman
3. Owek. Kabogoza Simon Secretary
4. Omuk. Levi Zimbe Treasurer
5. Omuk. I K Kabanda Member
6. Omuk. Martin Mujabi Member
  1. The Supervisory Committee with responsibility to check on the consistency of the actual operations of the cooperative and to ensure they support its vision, mission and strategic objectives, and that the financial affairs of the organisation are handled with prudence, due care and transparency. Its comprised of;
1. Oweek. Eng. Martin S Kasekende Chairman
2. Omuk. Rolland Sebuwufu Member
3. Omumb. Joan Nassolo Member
  1. The Management Credit Committee that deals with scrutiny and qualification of loan applications to ensure that they meet policy requirements. The Committee is comprised of the following;
1. Omuk. Bashir Kizito Chairman
2. Omul. John Mark Golooba Secretary
3. Omw. Lameck Ssonko Member
4. Omumb. Sarah Nakalema Member
5. Muky. Prossy Nalunga Member

Get in touch

Buladde financial services
Tel +2567866999
First floor muganzirwa complex
P.o Box 14205 Kampala-Uganda

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